
Centrally located at Clarence Park, we’ve provided cutting edge dental services to South Australian families since 2002.

4 Myths About Baby Teeth Busted

dental care for children

There’s a lot of conflicting advice circling the web and parent’s circles about what you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to your child’s baby teeth.


To set the record straight, we debunk four common myths about how to look after baby teeth.


Myth # 1: Baby Teeth Don’t Matter


It’s a common misconception that baby teeth don’t matter. A lot of people think that because they fall out eventually anyway, they don’t need to be looked after. However, baby teeth are actually vital to a child’s health and development.


Baby teeth assist with things like speech development, as well as critical functions like chewing food. It’s also worth noting that if a baby tooth suffers severe dental decay, it can actually affect the gum and the adult tooth that replaces it when it falls out.


If baby teeth are not properly looked after, children can end up needing fillings and extractions, which can be painful and scary procedures for young children, and influence their future receptiveness to dental treatments.


Myth # 2: Babies and Toddlers Don’t Need to go to the Dentist


To teach your child good oral health habits and to make sure your child’s teeth are healthy and developing how they should, dental check-ups should start with children as young as one.


Regular dental check-ups will help get your child used to the dentist, eliminating any fears or discomfort from a young age. This doesn’t need to be a big deal or a separate outing, as you can simply book them in for when you go for your own check-up. Once your visit is complete, you can put your child in the chair, and the dentist will check their jaw alignment and the health of their existing teeth. They might also have a chat with you about their diet, brushing, and general oral health.



Myth # 3: Children and Adults Can Use the Same Dental Products


Not all dental hygiene products are the same. Children’s toothbrushes, for instance, are designed to fit in small hands and for small mouths. They also have softer bristles and come in a variety of cartoon characters and colours, making oral hygiene fun.


To get your kids enthusiastic about brushing their teeth, let them pick out their own toothbrush.


Myth # 4: You Don’t Need to Brush Your Child’s Teeth Until They’ve all Emerged



It’s important to start brushing your child’s teeth from the moment they erupt. Whether they’re fully-grown or if their mouth is filled with teeth or there’s only one or two is irrelevant.


When your children are old enough to brush their own teeth, let them do it themselves, but supervise them to make sure they’re reaching all the nooks and crannies. It’s also important for parents to role model good dental habits. So if possible, brush your teeth at the same time as them.



If you have any questions about your child’s teeth, or if it’s time for their first dental check-up, contact the team at Advanced Dental Centre today!